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100% off all profits will go to Foundry BC (foundrybc.ca)

⁂ specifically the Vancouver-Granville location

Information provided by Foundry Manager, Kyra Faber

Foundry Vancouver-Granville works in partnership with St. Pauls Hospital. A researcher at Foundry (Dr. Skye Barbic) works with the Emergency Department at St. Paul’s to help identify and support youth who are admitted to the hospital due to mental health or substance use concerns. Moreover, Foundry offers primary health care, youth and family peer support and also social services (employment, housing, etc) in welcoming, youth-friendly spaces. 

Long-term Relationship and Care

Foundry centres have teams of experts (including peer support workers) who work together with each young person to form a plan that is shaped around their unique needs and empowers young people on their path to wellness. This holistic approach helps young people find the help they need without having to retell their story and try to navigate a complex system alone. Aiming to help early on has a positive impact with their longterm health and relationships. Foundry has youth advisors who are part of every decision (from designing centres to offering specialized services) so that they know their services are youth-friendly, appropriate, and useful.